Sunday Currently Vol. 5
Hello! I'm suppose to be working right now, but here I am writing a Sunday Currently post because that's what procrastinators do! Hahaha. But seriously though, I need some break time. I mean, I've been working ever so dilligently since last weekend to get some work...
Sunday Currently Vol 4
Is it only me or is there someone else who feels like the days are quickly passing us by? Boy, February is almost over and in just a few days 2018 will be turning a new leaf and March is here. Woah... What is happening?!? Is Father Time playing some trick on us? Or is...
Sunday Currently: Vol. 3
Yas! My first post for the year. Let's celebrate!!! Woohoo! Cue in Bigbang's Fantastic Baby... *~Wow, fantastic baby! Dance dance dance~* Okay, now that the last few bits of "celebratory mood" I have is out of my system, let's go back to regular programming... LOL. So...
Sunday Currently: Vol. 2
Hello Everyone! Since it's Sunday once again, I thought why not do another "Sunday Currently" post since I have some time to spell —and by that I mean, I'm actually just procrastinating! LOL. Anyway, I can't believe it's December already and we're just a few weeks...
Korean Dramas Binge Watch Alert #1
Looking for something new to watch? Lucky You! Because the drama gods have gifted you three new great dramas from the Land of the Morning Calm. So get ready to camp in your couch (or bed!) because it’s binge watch time!
Entertainment Lately #1
I love my Korean Dramas. But I’m currently experiencing a “drama slump” and none of the currently airing dramas excites me. So I took this time to finally go through my Netflix watchlist and catch up on shows that I’ve been wanting to see.
Sunday Currently: Vol. 1
Happy Sunday! I hope whoever you are who is reading this, you are having a great day. And if you’re living in California, DST ended today so be sure to make that extra hour count. I used mine catching up on some much needed Z’s because I’m a bit sleep-deprived lately. Sunday is a day of rest after all. So I just made sure I spent my extra hour rightfully so. 😉